Sunday, January 11, 2015

Olympics in Bean Town, anyone?

It has been decided that the candidate site to be submitted for the 2024 Olympic Games will be Boston, MA, according to reports published by the Boston Globe this Thursday (Arsenault, 2015). This decision raises a number of concerns among the international audience, chief among them being security. With the horrific scenes and aftermath associated with the Boston Marathon Bombing of April, 2013 still fresh in the minds of many American citizens, local authorities and federal law enforcement will have a fairly large bill to fill in terms of assuring the safe and orderly execution of the event.
            For an event coordinator, security is at the nexus of the planning process for any event. Though, few situations offer a more daunting task than policing an event with the exposure and moving parts present in the granddaddy of all international sporting events. Other prospect submissions for the 2024 Olympic games include Rome, Paris, Hamburg/Berlin, Budapest and Istanbul. All of the submitted locations have their high and low points in terms of how well they are already outfitted to handle the task of public safety, but the biggest breath-holding situation of the entire ordeal will no doubt be how well nations will work in unison with the host country, to ensure those who would look to disrupt proceedings are not successful.
            Additionally, a recent surge of opposition groups have spoken out against Boston possibly being the site for the 2024 Games, stating that the event will pose a significant threat to the state’s progress in fixing prominent issues such as the economy, housing market and education system. If the economic state of Brazil during and after the 2014 FIFA World Cup is indicative of a pattern, these opposition groups may have a point. To this end, Governor Charlie Baker and other collaborators from local, state, and the federal government would do well to take these very pertinent concerns to heart in the years ahead, as they continue to make preparations for 2024. After all, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

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